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Upgrade scenario from 4.6C to ECC 6.0

I have next two servers:

  • Solaris 8, Oracle 8.1.7, SAP 46C installed and working for production

  • Solaris 10, Oracle 10 with NO SAP but with 40% more of the capacity than previous server

I will install and configure SAP ECC 6.0 in ServerTo and will transfer all data from 46C. Under this scenario I would like to know if the next generic steps are valid:

  1. Homogeneous copy of SAP 46C using r3copy

  2. Begin installation of SAP ECC 6.0

  3. In some phase of the installation, I expect SAP asks for the copy generated in step 1.

  4. Continue with the installation, I am supposing that ECC 6.0 will be able to recognize that the copy files generated in step 1 correspond to SAP 46C version and will import data transparently.

  5. I configure SAP ECC 6.0 and apply last patches.

  6. At the end, I will have two productive SAPs in different versions.


  • Update: You comment( if I read it correctly) sounds like a working solution. Here are, what I think, the usual steps. You should do them first on a test system. Just to put some perspective. We did this upgrade recently ( from 4.6c to ecc6) during the project we did something between 10 to 15 upgrades on testing, integration an training systems.

    1. install sap 4.6 with oracle 8.1.7 on the target server.
    2. copy ( backup and restore ) the database from the source system.
    3. Upgrade the database to Oracle 10. Read sap documentation on this process. Some updates will be needed for the sap kernel (brconnect...) and db roles.
    4. Run the sap upgrade process. Read the mountain of documentation before you begin.

    Before update: I think that you are to optimistic. The sap upgrade process is anything but simple.

    About your steps:

    1. I didn't use r3copy, but I think that it can be used only with same os/db. Maybe the solaris 8 is similar enogh to 10. But the db version will surely prevent the use of r3copy. 2 to 4. The installation process does not recognize previous installations! You can have many instances of sap on the same host and user. So it doesn't care. 5 and 6. Not relevant.