I'm trying to customise the output from a WordPress plugin called Showtime. Showtime contains the following Javascript to output what is entered in the schedule. For styling reasons I'm entering into the plugin admin area for a show -
<h3>Drivetime</h3><p>with Davie Boy</p>
The issue I have is this is literally printed out / echoed on the page and the html is not rendered / processed, as though wrapped in pre tags.
I understand the following javascript outputs the show, how could I get it to actually not echo the html but process it. Sorry if I'm not using the correct terminology.
Any help much appreciated
Thanks for the comments - to get me thinking. This javascript is getting the Showname from a PHP script called crud.php. Looking over this I think this may be the offending line in crud.php
$showname = htmlentities(stripslashes(($_POST['showname'])));
rather than the javascript itself?
function get_current_show() {
//Get the current show data
$.post(crudScriptURL, {"crud-action" : "read", "read-type" : "current"}, function (currentShowJSON) {
var schedule = $.parseJSON(currentShowJSON);
var outputHTML = '';
var currentShow = schedule['current-show'];
if (currentShow.showName){
var currentShowName = currentShow.showName;
var imageURL = currentShow.imageURL;
var linkURL = currentShow.linkURL;
var startClock = currentShow.startClock;
var endClock = currentShow.endClock;
outputHTML += '<div id="showtime">'+currentShowName+'</div>';
if (imageURL){
if (linkURL){
outputHTML += '<a href="'+linkURL+'"><img class="showtime-image-thumbnail" src="'+imageURL+'" alt="'+currentShow.showName+'" /></a>';
} else {
outputHTML += '<img class="showtime-image-thumbnail" src="'+imageURL+'" alt="'+currentShow.showName+'" />';
} else {
outputHTML += '<h3 class="current-show">'+currentShow+'<h3>';
var upcomingShow = schedule['upcoming-show'];
if (upcomingShow){
var upcomingShowName = upcomingShow.showName;
var upcomingShowLink = upcomingShow.linkURL;
var upcomingStartClock = upcomingShow.startClock;
var upcomingEndClock = upcomingShow.endClock;
if (upcomingShowLink){
outputHTML += '<h3 class="upcoming-show"><strong>Up next:</strong> <a href="'+upcomingShowLink+'">'+upcomingShowName+'</a></h3>';
} else {
outputHTML += '<h3 class="upcoming-show"><strong>Up next:</strong> '+upcomingShowName+'</h3>';
outputHTML += '<span>'+upcomingStartClock + ' - ' + upcomingEndClock + '</span>';
//Set a timer to update the widget every 30 seconds
setTimeout (get_current_show, (30 * 1000));
If you have a consistent format for these, and don't really need to use symbols as part of the display, you can implement a sort of parser in the jquery function. For example, you could enter <h3>Drivetime</h3><p>with Davie Boy</p>
, and in the code do something like:
var currentShowName = $('<div/>').html(currentShow.showName).text();