I want to change the filetype based on file extension in vim
I have the following code in the my .vimrc
autocmd BufNew,BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt,*.text,*.md,*.markdown setlocal ft=markdown
But when I open a file with the extention .md
file, the filetype is not changed. I run :set ft
command and it shows the output as filetype=modula2
Am I doing anything wrong?
I started to debug by renaming my old .vimrc
file and created a new one with just this line. It was working properly. Then I replaced my old .vimrc
file and everything seems to be working fine. Guess it was because of some issues in some addon which I am using.
But accepting ZyX's answer, since it thought me an alternate way to do this.
Wondering whether this line goes before or after filetype … on
. In the former case you should try putting it (your autocommand) after this line. Better if you put it into ~/.vim/ftdetect/markdown.vim
and use setfiletype markdown
instead of setlocal ft=markdown
augroup filetypedetect
autocmd BufNew,BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt,*.text,*.md,*.markdown :setfiletype markdown
augroup END
: it is the default way of doing such things. ~/.vim
must go before /usr/share/vim/*
paths in 'runtimepath'
option in this case (it does by default).