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Segfault using nativeClickAt() method in spynner module

I'm not sure how to use nativeClickAt() method to click at an arbitrar location.

In the spynner class, the doc said :

"""Click on an arbitrar location of the browser.
@param where: where to click (QPoint)
@param real: if not true coordinates are relative to the window instead
    of the screen
@timeout seconds: seconds to wait after click"""

I have had searched QT doc to figure out what is a QPoint object. So it seems to be x, y coordinates.

What I tried so far :

import spynner
from PyQt4 import QtCore

browser = spynner.Browser(
    embed_jquery = True,
    debug_level = spynner.DEBUG


place = QtCore.QPoint(311,443)
print place # PyQt4.QtCore.QPoint(311, 443)
browser.nativeClickAt(place, 3, real=True)

But when I run the script, I get a segfault error.

Any help will be very appreciate.


  • We have discussed offlist of this non public script.

    What we have done:

    • You must have an ui to send raw click events :
    • You must not hide the window when the script executes or it will click in the void -> segfault.