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Parameterized function for clothoid

I'm coding renderer for road network, which based on the RoadXML format.

Road curves from this format has four types:

  • segment,
  • circle arc,
  • poly line,
  • clotho arc.

And I have problem with the last one.

Clothoid is the same with Euler spiral and Cornu spiral. In the RoadXML clotho arc is given by three parameters:

  • start curvature,
  • end curvature,
  • length.

For arc triangulation I need a function like foo(t), which returns (x, y) coords for t = 0..length. I created similar methods for circle arc without problems, but I can't do it for clotho arc.

Part of the problem is that I not totally understand how to apply start and end curvature parameters in standard clothoid formulas.

For example, sample RoadXML road. RoadXML sample

This is clotho curve item in the red ellipse. It's parameters:

  • start curvature = 0,
  • end curvature = -0.0165407,
  • length = 45.185.

I don't know how to implement these parameters, because clothoid curvature from 0 to -0.0165 is very straight.

I will happy, if you give me a code of this function (in C++, C#, Java, Python or pseudocode) or just a formula, which I can code.

Here is my equations:

x(t) ≈ t,
y(t) ≈ (t^3) / 6,
where length = t = s = curvature.

x(-0.0165) = -0.0165,
y(-0.0165) = -7.48688E-07.

Clotho length = 0.0165,
Source length = 45.185.

Scaled coords:

x'(l) = x / clotho_length * source_length = 45.185,
y'(l) = y / clotho_length * source_length = 5.58149E-07 ≈ 0.

x'(0) = 0,
y'(0) = 0.

Thus I get (0, 0)...(45, 0) points, which is very straight.

Where is my mistake? What am I doing wrong?


  • Let's see. Your data is:

    start curvature = 0,                straight line, R=INF
    end curvature = -0.0165407,         circular arc, R_c = 1/k_c = 60.4569335
    length = 45.185.                    distance along clothoid, s_c = 45.185

    according to Wikipedia article,

    R s = const = R_c s_c                   ( s ~ k = 1/R by definition of clothoid )
    d(s) = R d(theta)
    d(theta) = k d(s)
    d(theta) / d(s) = 1 / R = k = s / R_c s_c  
    theta = s^2 / 2 R_c s_c = (s/a)^2 = s / 2 R = k s / 2 
                                   where ___________________
                                         a = sqrt(2 R_c s_c)       (... = 73.915445 )
        and so  theta_c = k_c s_c / 2      (... = 0.37369576475 = 21.411190 degrees )
                                                         ( not so flat after all !! )

    (note: I call a here a reciprocal of what WP article calls a). Then,

    d(x) = d(s) cos(theta)
    d(y) = d(s) sin(theta)
    x = INT[s=0..s] cos(theta) d(s) 
      = INT[s=0..s] cos((s/a)^2) a d(s/a) 
      = a INT[u=0..(s/a)] cos(u^2) d(u)   = a C( s/a )
    y = a INT[u=0..(s/a)] sin(u^2) d(u)   = a S( s/a )

    where C(t) and S(t) are Fresnel integrals.

    So that's how you do the scaling. Not just t = s, but t = s/a = sqrt(theta). Here, for the end point, t_c = sqrt( k_c s_c / 2) = sqrt( 0.0165407 * 45.185 / 2) = 0.6113066.

    Now, WolframAlpha says, {73.915445 Sqrt[pi/2] FresnelC[0.6113066/Sqrt[pi/2]], 73.915445 Sqrt[pi/2] FresnelS[0.6113066/Sqrt[pi/2]]} = {44.5581, 5.57259}. (Apparently Mathematica uses a definition scaled with the additional Sqrt[pi/2] factor.)

    Testing it with your functions, x ~= t --> a*(s/a) = 45.185, y ~= t^3/3 --> a*(s/a)^3/3 = 73.915445 * 0.6113066^3 / 3 = 5.628481 (sic! /3 not /6, you have an error there).

    So you see, using just the first term from the Taylor series representation of Fresnel integrals is not enough - by far. You have to use more, and stop only when desired precision is reached (i.e. when the last calculated term is less than your pre-set precision value in magnitude).

    Note, that if you'll just implement general Fresnel integral functions for one-off scaled clothoid calculation, you'll lose additional precision when you'll multiply the results back by a (which is on the order of 102 ... 103 normally, for roads and railways).