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Convert the decrypt code in PHP to C#

I need to convert BlowFish Descrypt code in PHP to C#.

PHP code (X-Cart),

function mdecrypt($data, $key) {
    $td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, '');
    $decrypted_data = mdecrypt_generic($td, func_hex2str($data));

    return $decrypted_data;

# Convert hex to string
function func_hex2str($str) {
    $ret = "";
    $l = strlen($str);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i += 2) {
            $ret .= chr(hexdec(substr($str, $i, 2)));
        echo $ret;

    return $ret;

and I tried,

BlowFish algo = new BlowFish("0cb12a77dbb5ee7128ad3aea6154614f");
string details = "138b5a7e2c0e453a"; 

int dLen = details.Length;
string ret = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dLen; i += 2)
    ret += (char) Convert.ToInt64(details.Substring(i, 2), 16);
details = algo.Decrypt_ECB(ret);

but It print different result between PHP and C#. (PHP : HELLO, C# : ??q???_^)

Someone give me a hint, he said it might be about 'Padding'.

but still I don't get it.

Anybody know what I am doing wrong? please advise me.



  • BCrypt.Net is an open source implementation of the Blowfish encryption algorithm. You can use that source code to see how it's done I supposed.

    If you need this just for work and Getting Things Done, usage of BCrypt is dead simple:

    string salt = BCryptHelper.GenerateSalt(6);
    var hashedPassword = BCryptHelper.HashPassword("password", salt);
    Console.WriteLine(BCryptHelper.CheckPassword("password", hashedPassword));

    You can find the souce code here:

        /// <summary>Hash a password using the OpenBSD bcrypt scheme.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when one or more arguments have unsupported or
        ///                                     illegal values.</exception>
        /// <param name="input">The password to hash.</param>
        /// <param name="salt">    the salt to hash with (perhaps generated using BCrypt.gensalt).</param>
        /// <returns>The hashed password</returns>
        public static string HashPassword(string input, string salt)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(salt))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid salt", "salt");
            // Determinthe starting offset and validate the salt
            int startingOffset;
            char minor = (char)0;
            if (salt[0] != '$' || salt[1] != '2')
                throw new SaltParseException("Invalid salt version");
            if (salt[2] == '$')
                startingOffset = 3;
                minor = salt[2];
                if (minor != 'a' || salt[3] != '$')
                    throw new SaltParseException("Invalid salt revision");
                startingOffset = 4;
            // Extract number of rounds
            if (salt[startingOffset + 2] > '$')
                throw new SaltParseException("Missing salt rounds");
            // Extract details from salt
            int logRounds = Convert.ToInt32(salt.Substring(startingOffset, 2));
            string extractedSalt = salt.Substring(startingOffset + 3, 22);
            byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((input + (minor >= 'a' ? "\0" : "")));
            byte[] saltBytes = DecodeBase64(extractedSalt, BCRYPT_SALT_LEN);
            BCrypt bCrypt = new BCrypt();
            byte[] hashed = bCrypt.CryptRaw(inputBytes, saltBytes, logRounds);
            // Generate result string
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            if (minor >= 'a')
            result.AppendFormat("${0:00}$", logRounds);
            result.Append(EncodeBase64(saltBytes, saltBytes.Length));
            result.Append(EncodeBase64(hashed, (_BfCryptCiphertext.Length * 4) - 1));
            return result.ToString();