I am new to C++ and WTL, does WTL provide good API's to display line (stacked area, column) charts? Or do we need to use 3rd party library to integrate the same with our existing C++ code? It would be great if i can some pointers to examples .....i am looking for very basic line 2D chart. The application is written in C++ and use WTL for some of the GUI components .....and platform is windows
Thanks in Advance
WTL provides you with some classes that wrap GDI API and handles, so you can obviously paint variety of charts, you are just going to do it right from scratch. That is, dissecting your client area into chart area, legend, axis and son on. If you were looking for a solution ot use of of the box, WTL does not have anything close. You can certainly integrate third party libraries, ActiveX controls, or even Google Chart Tools hosted by IE ActiveX control on your window, where you pass data synthesizing JS script on runtime.