I follow what feels like a lot of mailing lists of libraries that I use and I think that there is a lot to learn by the questions people ask in them. I don't ask many questions in them and I answer some, but not lots of questions that people ask. I try to be the first to answer a question in which I know the answer, it's kind of a game almost. I feel that if I can get to the point where I can answer nearly every question that's asked, I've successfully learned the framework/library/etc.
Does anybody else feel that they've learned from following lists? Is it a waste of time?
I've learned a lot from the Alt.Net mailing list, and my own local user group mailing list. One note on the local mailing list: not only is it an excellent way to learn new ideas, and keep up with what is going on, it is a great way to find local experts. People you can have over for a beer (or lesser beverage of choice) to discuss problems. For more involved issues, that is often the best way to solve them. I find that you are much more likely to find actual mentorship in these mailing lists as well -- and less RTFM (you don't get that as much when people can find out where you live).