I was not able to figure out why I am not able to do the conversion from svg to image.
Windows 2008 Server
PHP 5.3.10- Imagick is installed
$command = 'C:\imagemagick\convert.exe d:\path-to-svg-file\sample.svg d:\path-to-output-folder\sample.png 2>&1';
exec($command, $output);
array(2) {
[0]=> string(102) "convert.exe: Must specify image size `C:/Windows/TEMP/magick-PY5hNkFu' @ error/mvg.c/ReadMVGImage/185."
[1]=> string(126) "convert.exe: no images defined `d:\inetpub\...\output\sample.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3044."
You have to Specify Size :
convert -size 568x604 d:\tiger.svg d:\tiger.jpg
What about SVG to other image formats
convert file.svg file.png
I tried converting to a PNG but had the same problem as with JPGs