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Using a comparator function to sort

So I'm working with a few pre-existing comparators that compare certain values in two tuples and return true if the first is greater than the second, false if otherwise. Here's the code for one of them:

def cmpValue(subInfo1, subInfo2):
    Returns True if value in (value, work) tuple subInfo1 is GREATER than
    value in (value, work) tuple in subInfo2
    # TODO...
    if subInfo1[0] > subInfo2[0]:
        return True
        return False

Now, I have a dictionary that has numerous tuple entries of the type being compared above. I want to sort them all in reverse order, but I don't really understand how I would accomplish that. I was thinking something like:

sortedDict = sorted(subjects, key=comparator, reverse = True)

But I don't know what to pass into the comparator because each comparator takes two arguments (subInfo1, subInfo2). I cannot change the comparator functions.


  • You're passing the comparator as the key function. You should be passing it as the cmp, wrapped in some kind of function that turns it into a proper comparator.

    def make_comparator(less_than):
        def compare(x, y):
            if less_than(x, y):
                return -1
            elif less_than(y, x):
                return 1
                return 0
        return compare
    sortedDict = sorted(subjects, cmp=make_comparator(cmpValue), reverse=True)

    (Although actually, you should be using key functions:

    sorted(subjects, operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)

    Also note that sortedDict will not actually be a dict, so the name is rather confusing.)