I'd like to open maps on ios6 by usine MKMapItem
but I'd also like fallback using google maps for older ios versions...
I have no Idea to do this on rubymtion without BubbleWrap cause Device.ios_version
return me an error
I want to this this on iOS6 :
address_dictionnary = ({kABPersonAddressStreetKey: @party.place.street, kABPersonAddressCityKey: @party.place.city,kABPersonAddressZIPKey: @party.place.postal_code})
place = MKPlacemark.alloc.initWithCoordinate(@coords, addressDictionary: address_dictionnary)
mapItem = MKMapItem.alloc.initWithPlacemark(place)
mapItem.name = "#{@party.name}"
options = ({
MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey: MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving
And this on older versions :
url = "http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=#{@party.place.location[1]},#{@party.place.location[0]}&daddr=#{@party.place.location[1]},#{@party.place.location[0]}"
Thanks for your help
And then when I do the correct test : When I do the test and I run it on IOS 5.1 I have this error
dyld: Symbol not found: _MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving
This is my code :
if Utils.older_than_ios6?
url = "http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=#{@party.place.location[1]},#{@party.place.location[0]}&daddr=#{@party.place.location[1]},#{@party.place.location[0]}"
address_dictionnary = ({kABPersonAddressStreetKey: @party.place.street, kABPersonAddressCityKey: @party.place.city,kABPersonAddressZIPKey: @party.place.postal_code})
place = MKPlacemark.alloc.initWithCoordinate(@coords, addressDictionary: address_dictionnary)
mapItem = MKMapItem.alloc.initWithPlacemark(place)
mapItem.name = "#{@party.name}"
options = ({
MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey: MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving
By checking the source for Device.ios_version
, you can see that it returns UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion
. So this should do the trick !