I have written this program to calculate pi. It gives me 50 decimal places. How can I get more precision?
# pi.py - arctan(1) * 4 = pi
from math import *
from decimal import *
err = 0.0000000000000001
def arctan(n, err):
"""Uses Gregory's formula for calculating atan."""
temp = n
atan = 0
i = 3
while (abs(atan - n) > err):
atan = n
n = n - (pow(temp, i)/i) + ((pow(temp, i + 2)) / (i + 2))
i += 4
return n
def euler(a, b, err):
"""Uses Euler's formula and fibonacci numbers."""
euler = 0
temp = 5
while (abs(temp - euler) > err):
temp = euler
euler += arctan(1/b, err)
a = b + a
b = b + a
return euler
pi = euler(1, 2, err) * 4
You must set the Decimal prec to a higher value. See this example thread. The official python site has a lot more examples.
Also, you should make all your calculations using decimal, not just the last step. Otherwise you will not get the precision you need.