In short, I am wanting to make a function that embeds the visual styles manifest and links to ComCtl32.lib
, version 6 if available. Here is basically what I am hoping to do:
void InitVivify() {
// Embed visual style XML manifest
#pragma comment(linker, \
"\"/manifestdependency:type='Win32'" \
" name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls'" \
" version=''" \
" processorArchitecture='*'" \
" publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df'" \
" language='*'\"" \
// Link common controls library
#pragma comment(lib, "ComCtl32.lib")
// Initialize controls used
InitCtrlEx.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX);
I realize this probably isn't good practice, but is it valid?
Pragma directives are pre-processor directives.
They cause the implementation to behave in a implementation defined way.
So it is valid but not encouraged.
C++11 Standard:
16.6 Pragma directive [cpp.pragma]
1 A preprocessing directive of the form
# pragma pp-tokensopt new-line
causes the implementation to behave in an implementation-defined manner. The behavior might cause translation to fail or cause the translator or the resulting program to behave in a non-conforming manner. Any pragma that is not recognized by the implementation is ignored.