I'm trying to upload a database, which I developed locally, into our development server.
I installed PostgreSQL 9.1 on my machine and the development server uses 8.4.
When trying to restore the database to 8.4 using the dump file created by 9.1 I get the error:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: syntax error at or near "EXTENSION"
and a quick research tells me that "EXTENSION" doesn't exist prior to 9.1.
I'm not really sure I should look for an option in pg_dump that ignores "extensions" as the database I'm trying to upload relies on the PostGIS extension for most of data.
While upgrading the development server and installing PostGIS in the dev server is an option, I'd like to know of a different route, one wherein I do not need to edit anything on the server while maintaining the functions of the database I developed.
Of course other workarounds are welcomed, my sole aim in uploading my database to the server is to reduce the amount of reconfiguration I have to do on my project whenever I need to deploy something for our team.
Backporting databases can be painful and difficult.
You could try using 8.4's pg_dump
to dump it, but it'll probably fail.
You'll probably want to extract the table and function definitions from a --schema-only
dump text file, load them into the old DB by hand, then do a pg_dump --data-only
and restore that to import the data.
After that, if you're going to continue working on your machine too, install PostgreSQL 8.4 and use that for further development so you don't introduce more incompatibilities and so it's easy to move dumps around.
In your position I'd just upgrade the outdated target server to 9.1.