I had the idea about a warp based parallel reduction since all threads of a warp are in sync by definition.
So the idea was that the input data can be reduced by factor 64 (each thread reduces two elements) without any synchronization need.
Same as the original implementation by Mark Harris the reduction is applied on block-level and data is on shared memory. http://gpgpu.org/static/sc2007/SC07_CUDA_5_Optimization_Harris.pdf
I created a kernel to test his version and my warp based version.
The kernel itself is completely identically storing BLOCK_SIZE elements in shared memory and outputting its result at its unique block index in an output array.
The algorithm itself works fine. Tested with full array of one's to test the "counting".
Function body of the implementations:
* Performs a parallel reduction with operator add
* on the given array and writes the result with the thread 0
* to the given target value
* @param inValues T* Input float array, length must be a multiple of 2 and equal to blockDim.x
* @param targetValue float
__device__ void reductionAddBlockThread_f(float* inValues,
float &outTargetVar)
// code of the below functions
1. Implementation of his version:
if (blockDim.x >= 1024 && threadIdx.x < 512)
inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 512];
if (blockDim.x >= 512 && threadIdx.x < 256)
inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 256];
if (blockDim.x >= 256 && threadIdx.x < 128)
inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 128];
if (blockDim.x >= 128 && threadIdx.x < 64)
inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 64];
//unroll last warp no sync needed
if (threadIdx.x < 32)
if (blockDim.x >= 64) inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 32];
if (blockDim.x >= 32) inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 16];
if (blockDim.x >= 16) inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 8];
if (blockDim.x >= 8) inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 4];
if (blockDim.x >= 4) inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 2];
if (blockDim.x >= 2) inValues[threadIdx.x] += inValues[threadIdx.x + 1];
//set final value
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
outTargetVar = inValues[0];
4 syncthreads used
12 if statements used
11 read + add + write operations
1 final write operation
5 register usage
five test runs average: ~ 19.54 ms
2. Warp based approach: (Same function body as above)
* Perform first warp based reduction by factor of 64
* 32 Threads per Warp -> LOG2(32) = 5
* 1024 Threads / 32 Threads per Warp = 32 warps
* 2 elements compared per thread -> 32 * 2 = 64 elements per warp
* 1024 Threads/elements divided by 64 = 16
* Only half the warps/threads are active
if (threadIdx.x < blockDim.x >> 1)
const unsigned int warpId = threadIdx.x >> 5;
// alternative threadIdx.x & 31
const unsigned int threadWarpId = threadIdx.x - (warpId << 5);
const unsigned int threadWarpOffset = (warpId << 6) + threadWarpId;
inValues[threadWarpOffset] += inValues[threadWarpOffset + 32];
inValues[threadWarpOffset] += inValues[threadWarpOffset + 16];
inValues[threadWarpOffset] += inValues[threadWarpOffset + 8];
inValues[threadWarpOffset] += inValues[threadWarpOffset + 4];
inValues[threadWarpOffset] += inValues[threadWarpOffset + 2];
inValues[threadWarpOffset] += inValues[threadWarpOffset + 1];
// synchronize all warps - the local warp result is stored
// at the index of the warp equals the first thread of the warp
// use first warp to reduce the 16 warp results to the final one
if (threadIdx.x < 8)
// get first element of a warp
const unsigned int warpIdx = threadIdx.x << 6;
if (blockDim.x >= 1024) inValues[warpIdx] += inValues[warpIdx + 512];
if (blockDim.x >= 512) inValues[warpIdx] += inValues[warpIdx + 256];
if (blockDim.x >= 256) inValues[warpIdx] += inValues[warpIdx + 128];
if (blockDim.x >= 128) inValues[warpIdx] += inValues[warpIdx + 64];
//set final value
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
outTargetVar = inValues[0];
1 syncthread used
7 if statements
10 read add write operations
1 final write operation
5 register usage
5 bit shifts
1 add
1 sub
five test runs average: ~ 20.82 ms
Testing both kernels multiple times on a Geforce 8800 GT 512 mb with 256 mb of float values. And running kernel with 256 threads per block (100 % occupancy).
The warp based version is ~ 1.28 milliseconds slower.
If future card's allow larger block sizes the warp based approach would still need no further sync statement since the max is 4096 which get reduced to 64 which get reduced by final warp to 1
Why is it not faster?, or where is the flaw in the idea, kernel?
From ressources usage the warp approach should be ahead?
Edit1: Corrected the kernel that only half the threads are active not resulting in out of bound reads, added new performance data
I think the reason your code is slower than mine is that in my code, half as many warps are active for each ADD in the first phase. In your code, all warps are active for all of the first phase. So overall your code executes more warp instructions. In CUDA it's important to consider total "warp instructions" executed, not just the number of instructions executed by one warp.
Also, there's no point in only using half of your warps. There is overhead in launching the warps only to have them evaluate two branches and exit.
Another thought is that the use of unsigned char
and short
might actually be costing you performance. I'm not sure, but it's certainly not saving you registers since they are not packed into single 32-bit variables.
Also, in my original code, I replaced blockDim.x with a template parameter, BLOCKDIM, which means that it only used 5 run-time if statements (the ifs in the second stage are eliminated by the compiler).
BTW, a cheaper way to compute your threadWarpId
const int threadWarpId = threadIdx.x & 31;
You might check this article for more ideas.
EDIT: Here's an alternative warp-based block reduction.
template <typename T, int level>
void sumReduceWarp(volatile T *sdata, const unsigned int tid)
T t = sdata[tid];
if (level > 5) sdata[tid] = t = t + sdata[tid + 32];
if (level > 4) sdata[tid] = t = t + sdata[tid + 16];
if (level > 3) sdata[tid] = t = t + sdata[tid + 8];
if (level > 2) sdata[tid] = t = t + sdata[tid + 4];
if (level > 1) sdata[tid] = t = t + sdata[tid + 2];
if (level > 0) sdata[tid] = t = t + sdata[tid + 1];
template <typename T>
void sumReduceBlock(T *output, volatile T *sdata)
// sdata is a shared array of length 2 * blockDim.x
const unsigned int warp = threadIdx.x >> 5;
const unsigned int lane = threadIdx.x & 31;
const unsigned int tid = (warp << 6) + lane;
sumReduceWarp<T, 5>(sdata, tid);
// lane 0 of each warp now contains the sum of two warp's values
if (lane == 0) sdata[warp] = sdata[tid];
if (warp == 0) {
sumReduceWarp<T, 4>(sdata, threadIdx.x);
if (lane == 0) *output = sdata[0];
This should be a bit faster because it uses all the warps that are launched in the first stage, and has no branching within the last stage, at the cost of an extra branch, shared load/store and __syncthreads()
in the new middle stage. I haven't tested this code. If you run it, let me know how it performs. If you use a template for the blockDim in your original code it may again be faster, but I think this code is more succinct.
Note the temporary variable t
is used because Fermi and later architectures use a pure load/store architecture, so +=
from shared memory to shared memory results in an extra load (since the sdata
pointer must be volatile). Explicitly loading into the temporary once avoids this. On G80 it won't make a difference to performance.