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SQL Server EXPLICIT mode with FOR XML

I am using SQL Server 2008 and I'm trying to produce a custom xml using EXPLICIT mode with FOR XML.

I have the one to many relation having following query

    p.personid, p.firstname, a.P_City 
    tblPeople p with (nolock) 
left outer join 
    tblAddresses a with (nolock) on p.personid = a.personid 
    p.personid = 120773

enter image description here

I want person as parent and address as child may be multiple because people to address having one to many relation.

I wrote the following query

 select 1 as TAG,
        null as parent, 
        p.personid as [person!1!personid],
        p.FirstName as [person!1!firstname],

        null as [addr!2!] 
        from tblPeople p with (nolock) where p.PersonID in (120773,117396)

        union all 

select 2,1, 
        p.PersonID, p.FirstName, a.P_City from tblAddresses a with(nolock), tblPeople p 
        where p.PersonID=a.PersonID and p.PersonID in (120773,117396)

        for xml explicit

Output as follows, it is broken xml with person nested there is some thing wrong with my code for sure.

<person personid="117396" firstname="David"/>
    <person personid="120773" firstname="Doyle">
        <addr>Mount Rainier</addr>

Can some one please help me out !!!


  • I would recommend to ditch FOR XML EXPLICIT and use FOR XML PATH/ROOT instead.

    Using this query here:

        p.personid AS "@ID", 
        p.firstname, p.LastName,
            SELECT AddressID AS "@ID", City
            FROM dbo.Address a 
            WHERE a.PersonID = p.PersonID
            FOR XML PATH('addr'), TYPE
        ) AS Addresses
        Person p with (nolock) 
        p.personid = 120773
    FOR XML PATH('Person'), ROOT('People')

    you'll get this output XML:

      <Person ID="120773">
          <addr ID="1">
          <addr ID="2">
            <City>Mount Rainier</City>

    Tweak it as necessary. Read more details about FOR XML PATH on MSDN.