Could somebody point me in the right direction on how to update a Gtk.TreeView
after changing a CellRendererCombo in Gtk#?
Since the only example I found was in Python, I tried to port the example to C#, but without success so far.
The Python example is here:
In the code below I am having difficulties with the method ComboChanged.
After changing the value in the combobox (by selecting a different value) and placing the focus outside of the combobox, the value does not change.
using System;
using Gtk;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public partial class MainWindow: Gtk.Window
public MainWindow (): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
Build ();
var tvComboBox = InitTreeViewWithComboBox ();
var vbox = new Gtk.VBox ();
vbox.PackStart (tvComboBox, true, true, 0);
this.Add (vbox);
this.ShowAll ();
// adopted from
ListStore liststore_hardware;
ListStore liststore_manufacturers;
private TreeView InitTreeViewWithComboBox ()
liststore_manufacturers = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof (string));
var manufacturers = new List<string> {"Sony", "LG", "Panasonic", "Toshiba", "Nokia", "Samsung"};
foreach (var item in manufacturers) {
liststore_manufacturers.AppendValues (item);
liststore_hardware = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof (string), typeof (string));
liststore_hardware.AppendValues ("Television", "Samsung");
liststore_hardware.AppendValues ("Mobile Phone", "LG");
liststore_hardware.AppendValues ("DVD Player", "Sony");
var treeview = new Gtk.TreeView ();
treeview.Model = liststore_hardware;
var column_text = new TreeViewColumn { Title = "Text" };
var column_combo = new TreeViewColumn { Title = "Combo" };
treeview.AppendColumn (column_text);
treeview.AppendColumn (column_combo);
var cellrenderer_text = new CellRendererText ();
column_text.PackStart (cellrenderer_text, false);
column_text.AddAttribute (cellrenderer_text, "text", 0);
var cellrenderer_combo = new CellRendererCombo ();
cellrenderer_combo.Editable = true;
cellrenderer_combo.Model = liststore_manufacturers;
cellrenderer_combo.TextColumn = 0;
column_combo.PackStart (cellrenderer_combo, false);
column_combo.AddAttribute (cellrenderer_combo, "text", 1);
cellrenderer_combo.Edited += ComboChanged;
return treeview;
void ComboChanged (object o, EditedArgs args)
// Not really sure what to do here....
var crc = o as CellRendererCombo;
TreeIter iter; // index within the combobox
if (!crc.Model.GetIterFirst (out iter)) {
crc.Model.SetValue (iter, 0, args.NewText);
liststore_hardware.SetValue (iterHardware, 1, args.NewText);
Going through the API a bit more I found the solution...:
void ComboChanged (object o, EditedArgs args)
TreeSelection selection = treeview.Selection;
TreeIter iter;
if (!selection.GetSelected (out iter)) {
liststore_hardware.SetValue (iter, 1, args.NewText);