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Strange domains in mod_pagespeed cache folder

About a year ago I have installed mod_pagespeed on my VPS server, set it up and left it running. Recently I was exploring files on my server, went to pagespeed cache folder and discovered some strange folders.

All folders usually named this way , or ,2F111.111.111.111 for IP addresses. I was surprised to see some domains that does not belong to me, like:

It looks like something dodgy is going on, was my server compromised, is there any reasonable explanation?


  • That does look peculiar. Everything in the cache folder should be files that mod_pagespeed tried to rewrite. There are two ways that I know of that this can happen:

    1) You reference some third-party resource (say an image from another domain, or google analytics script) and you have explicitly enabled rewriting of that domain with ModPagespeedDomain or ModPagespeedDomain *.

    2) If your server accepts HTTP requests with invalid Host headers. Try (for example) wget --header="Host:" If your server accepts requests like that it may be providing mod_pagespeed with an incorrect base domain, and then subresources would be fetched from the same domain (so if references some.jpeg, and your server accepts invalid host headers, we could fetch as the resource). There was a recent security release that makes sure all of these subrequests are done against localhost (not arbitrary third-party websites). Please see:

    You might want to look through these folders and see what specific resources are in there. I think that the biggest concern you should have is that someone might be trying to perform an XSS attack on your users or maybe a DDoS attack against another website (like, using your server as one vector. I do not think that these folders are indicative that your server itself is compromised.

    If you would like to discuss this more,!forum/mod-pagespeed-discuss is a good list to join and email.