Given the following SQL tables (with data)
create table a (key1 INT, value1 NVARCHAR(MAX))
create table b (fk INT, value2 NVARCHAR(MAX))
INSERT INTO a(key1, value1) values (1, 'test1')
INSERT INTO a(key1, value1) values (2, 'test2')
INSERT INTO b(fk, value2) values (1, 'b1.1')
INSERT INTO b(fk, value2) values (1, 'b1.2')
INSERT INTO b(fk, value2) values (1, 'b1.3')
I would like to return the foreign key values in b concatenated together like so:
key1 value1 col
1 test1 b1.1, b1.2, b1.3
2 test2 NULL
I know it's possible (theoretically) with FOR XML PATH, I just can't figure it out
This should get you the results you want:
select a.key1,
stuff((select distinct ', ' + value2
from b
where a.key1 =
for XML path('')),1,1,'')
from a