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OpenLayers print map

How can I print a map from the OpenLayers? I want to add print button in my OpenLayers page =) I have MapFish extension for my geoserver, but don`t know how to make request to it. Any other ideas are welcome) Help please.


  • The simplest way is to use GeoExt.PrintMapPanel (geoext example). And be sure to read GeoServer Printing Module.

    UPD GET request example. You must modify url, "baseURL", "layers". If you specify an existing layer, this request must return pdf file.{"units":"degrees","srs":"EPSG:4326","layout":"A4","dpi":75,"mapTitle":"Printing Demo","comment":"This is a simple map printed from GeoExt.","layers":[{"baseURL":"","opacity":1,"singleTile":true,"type":"WMS","layers":["topp:tasmania_state_boundaries"],"format":"image/jpeg","styles":[""]}],"pages":[{"center":[146.56000000001,-41.56],"scale":8192000,"rotation":0}]}