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Artifact naming convention

We're doing a big project on OSGi and adding some commons modules. There's some discussion about naming the artifact.

So, one possibility when naming the module is for example:

cmns-definitions (for common definitions), another is cmns-definition, still another is cmns-def. This has some effect also on the package name. Now it's, if changing to cmns-def it would be

Inside this package will be classes like enums and other definitions to be used throughout the system.

I personally lean to cmns-definitions since there's not only 1 definition inside the package. Other people point out that java.util doesn't have only 1 utility there for example. Still, java.util is an abbreviation for me. It can mean java utility or java utilities. Same thing happens with commons-lang.

How would you name the package? Why would you choose this name?

  1. cmns-definitions
  2. cmns-definition
  3. cmns-def

Bonus question: How to name something like cmns-exceptions? That's how I name it. Would you name it cmns-xcpt?


I'm throwing in my own thoughts on this in the hope of being either confirmed or contradicted. If you can, please do.

According to what I think, the background reason why you name something is to make it easier to understand what's inside it. Or, according to Peter Kriens, to make it easy to remember and being able to automate processes via patterns. Both are valid arguments.

My reasoning is as follows in terms of pattern:

1) When a substantivation occurs and it's well known in the industry, follow it on your naming.
Eg: "features" is a case on this. We have a module called cmns-features. Does this mean we have many features on this module? No. It means "the module that implements the "features" file from Apache karaf".
"commons" is a substantivation of "common" well-accepted on the industry. It doesn't mean "many common". It means "Common code".

If I see extr-commons as a module name, I know that it contains common code for extr (in this case extraction), for example.

2) When a quantity of classes inside the module are cooperating to give a distinct "one and one only" meaning to the whole, use singular form to name it.

The majority of modules are included here. If I name something cmns-persistence-jpa, I mean that whatever classes inside cooperate together to provide the jpa implementation of cmns-persistence-api. I don't expect 2 implementations inside it, but actually a myriad of classes that together make one implementation. Crystal clear to me. No?

3) When a grouping of classes is done with the sole purpose of gathering classes by affinity, but the classes don't cooperate together to no purpose, use plural.

Here is the case for example of cmns-definitions (enums used by the whole system).

Alternatively, using an abbreviation circumvents the problem, e.g. cmns-def which can be also "interpreted expanded" by a human reader to cmns-definitions. Many people use also "xxxx-util" meaning xxxx-utilities.

Still a third option can be used to pack things together, using a name that itself means a pluralization. The word "api" comes to mind, but any word that pluralizes something would do, like "pack".

Support to these cases (3) are well-known modules like commons-collections (using the plural) or commons-dbcp (using abbreviation) or commons-lang (again abbreviation) and anything that uses api to pack classes together by affinity.

From apache:
commons-collections -> many powerful data structures that accelerate development of most significant Java applications
commons-lang -> host of helper utilities for the java.lang API
commons-dbcp -> package of several database connection pools


  • 'it is just a name ...'

    I find in my long career that these just names can make a tremendous difference in productivity. I do not think it makes a difference if you use definitions, definition, or def as long as you're consistent and use patterns in the name that are easy to remember and can be used to automate processes. A build based on a consistent naming scheme is infinitely easier to work with than a build with "nice human display" names that are ad-hoc and have no discernible pattern.

    If you use patterns, names tend to become shorter. Now people working with these names usually spent a lot of time with them. So their readability is not nearly as important as their mnemonic value. It turns out that abbreviations of 3 or 4 characters are surprisingly powerful. One of the reason is they work well is that there is only one possible abbreviation while if you go longer there are many candidates.

    Anyway, most import part is the overall consistency. Good luck.