We use TeamCity 7.1.1 to publish NuGet packages on both the authenticated and public feed URLs. I've just created a new package and can't get it to show up on the public feed, though it does appear on the private feed once I log in.
It smacks of a permissions problem, but I've assigned 'All Users' the 'Project Viewer' role on that build. I have another build that is showing up correctly, and the configuration seems the same. What could be stopping my new build from appearing on the public feed?
Solved it! I've been scratching my head for hours and of course I find the answer 30 seconds after posting to StackOverflow!
It seems that the Guest account is not a member of All Users, so assigning the Project Viewer role to All Users is not sufficient.
One has to explicitly assign the Project Viewers role to the Guest User. This is confusingly done in a completely separate screen, under Guest user settings, linked from the top right hand side of the main user administration screen. Walla! Job done.