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Antenna House xsl error

We are using Antenna House xsl formatter. xml and xsl files are located at the server accessible to both of us with equal permissions settings. We connect with remote desktop to server machine. My co-worker has everything working fine.

I get a weired error:
Error is:

9185(2003) FO Transformation is failed
Keyword xsl:script may not be used in namespace

Error occurred during compilation of included or imported stylesheet 

Again, when I connect with remote desktop from my user to server machine - I get error. My co-worker goes to the same server and all is formatted fine.
Heelp !!! Please !!!


  • Thank you. I found how to mediate the problem. However, I still do not know why it doesn't under my login but does under some one else's.
    What I did, was that I found there are settings under Format Settings -> XSLT Settings. I had to provide expernal path to saxon.jar and to XML Transformer.jar

    Default option was to use MSXML MSXML3, and it didn't work for me.
    When I provided this

    java -cp "C:/libs/saxon/saxon.jar;C:\libs\XMLTransformer.jar" com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet -o %3 %1 %2

    it started working