Search code examples

symfony setDefault not saving values

I'm defining a form in the actions, and passing it to the template. It's failing to set the default values when saving. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

In modules\question\actions:

  public function executeNew(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->form = new questionForm();

    if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST)
      // create question
      $user = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId();

      $question = new Question();

      $question->addTagsForUser($this->getRequestParameter('tag'), $user);

      return $this->redirect('question/index');

    //set current user as default

In \modules\question\templates:

<?php echo $form->renderFormTag('question/new') ?>
    <?php echo $form['question_title']->renderRow(array('size' => 40), 'Question title:') ?>
    <?php echo $form['question_body']->renderRow(array('cols' => 40, 'rows' => 10), 'Description:') ?>

    <?php echo input_auto_complete_tag('tag', '', '@tag_autocomplete', 'autocomplete=off', 'use_style=true') ?>
      <td colspan="2">
        <input type="submit" value="ask it" />


  • One of two options:

    1. Put the setDefault code in the QuestionForm class


    1. Put the setDefault code right after your instantiate the form object

    The common practice is option #1, as it results in loose coupling between your form configuration and the actions.