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Run PSCmdLets in C# code (Citrix XenDesktop)

I'm trying to use Citrix's XenDesktop SDK to write a web app to manage our XenDesktop environment.

Just as a quick test, I made a reference to the Citrix BrokerSnapIn.dll, which looks like it gives me good C# classes. However, when I hit the .Invoke with this error message: "Cmdlets derived from PSCmdlet cannot be invoked directly."

I've searched and tried a bunch of stuff, but don't know how to call PSCmdlets. I'm kinda left thinking that I have to use strings and a runspace/pipeline, etc, to do this.

using System;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK;

namespace CitrixPowerShellSpike
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var c = new GetBrokerCatalogCommand {AdminAddress = ""};
            var results = c.Invoke();
            Console.WriteLine("all done");


  • You need to host the PowerShell engine in order to execute a PSCmdlet e.g. (from the MSDN docs):

      // Call the PowerShell.Create() method to create an 
      // empty pipeline.
      PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create();
      // Call the PowerShell.AddCommand(string) method to add 
      // the Get-Process cmdlet to the pipeline. Do 
      // not include spaces before or after the cmdlet name 
      // because that will cause the command to fail.
      Console.WriteLine("Process                 Id");
      // Call the PowerShell.Invoke() method to run the 
      // commands of the pipeline.
      foreach (PSObject result in ps.Invoke())