I set up a TYPO3 website using TYPO3 4.7. The website is bilingual (German/English) and the are 'speaking' using RealURL. The default language is German.
So far it works nicely. I get URLs like:
If the user changes the language to English, he gets URLs like:
If the changes the language back to German, he gets URLs like:
The problem is: This creates duplicates for search engines. So, I would like the default language also to use the language parameter for German 'de' as a default in the URLs before the user changes the language.
Does anyone had the same problem before?
Thank you, Chris
Try not to define dafault language in realurl config. Smth like this should be enough:
'GETvar' => 'L',
'valueMap' => array(
'en' => '1',
'noMatch' => 'bypass',