I started learning SQL few days ago and I've the following query which gives me an error near "case" and I can't seem to figure it out:
SELECT * , Stuff((SELECT ', ' + CAST( orderid as varchar(10))
FROM( oitems t2
case when (ocardtype in ('PayPal','Sofort') OR
ocardtype in ('mastercard','visa') and
odate is not null) then
FOR XML PATH(''), 1, 2, '') [Proccessed] else FOR XML PATH(''), 1, 2, '') [NotProccessed] end)
FROM orders t1
Group by orderid,t1.odate, t1.ocardtype
I guess you get what the this code is supposed to do, but I'm not sure if this is the right way to use select case
oitems table
| orderid | catalogid | numitems |
| o737 | 353 | 1 |
| o738 | 364 | 4 |
| o739 | 353 | 3 |
| o740 | 364 | 6 |
| o741 | 882 | 2 |
| o742 | 224 | 5 |
| o743 | 224 | 2 |
orders table
| orderid | ocardtype | odate |
| o737 | Paypal | | 'OK
| o738 | MasterCard | 01.02.2012 | 'OK
| o739 | MasterCard | 02.02.2012 | 'OK
| o740 | Visa | 03.02.2012 | 'OK
| o741 | Sofort | | 'OK
| o742 | | | 'ignore because ocardtype is empty
| o743 | MasterCard | | 'ignore because Mastercard no odate
expected result
| catalogid | ProcessedSucssessfully | NotProcessed |
| 353 |o737,o739 | |
| 364 |o738,o740 | |
| 882 |o741 | |
| 224 | |o742,o743 |
i have the following conditions which you can find in the case statment of above code
if ocardtype
is empty then add orderid
to NotProcessed
if ocardtype
for some order is MasterCard or Visa and the odate is empty then add orderid to NotProcessed
if ocardtype
is Paypal or Sofort, then don't check for odate and add the orderid
to ProcessedSucssessfully
check this request
SELECT CatalogId, ProcessedSucssessfully =
STUFF((SELECT ', ' + b.OrderId
FROM oitmes b JOIN orders o ON b.OrderId = o.OrderId
WHERE b.CatalogId = a.CatalogId
AND (o.OcardtType in ('PayPal','Sofort') OR o.OcardtType in ('mastercard','visa') and o.odate is not null)
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, ''),
NotProcessed =
STUFF((SELECT ', ' + c.OrderId
FROM oitmes c JOIN orders o ON c.OrderId = o.OrderId
WHERE c.CatalogId = a.CatalogId
AND (o.OcardtType in ('mastercard') OR o.OcardtType is null) and o.odate is null
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')
FROM oitmes a
GROUP BY a.CatalogId
Demo on SQLFiddle