I've just encountered a strange problem. I've made a report in pgfourine, and found out that my XA transactions started to work really slow. Prepare transaction and commit prepared combined took 12.55s out of 13.2s. But why?
##### Overall statistics #####
Number of unique normalized queries: 175
Number of queries: 268,772
Total query duration: 13m2s
##### Queries by type #####
SELECT: 116493 43.3%
INSERT: 15926 5.9%
UPDATE: 7935 3.0%
DELETE: 4923 1.8%
##### Queries that took up the most time (N) #####
1) 6m32s - 26,338 - COMMIT PREPARED ''
2) 6m23s - 25,972 - PREPARE TRANSACTION ''
3) 0.6s - 3,848 - update avatar set lfa_position=NULL where Id=0
7) 0.3s - 21,514 - COMMIT
I have a theory but don't have a proof.. I have slow discs and I turned off synchronous_commit. Maybe PostgreSQL has to make an fsync during "prepare transaction" even if synchronous_commit is off?
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = off
Any ideas?
Same tests with
fsync = off
synchronous_commit = off
##### Overall statistics #####
Number of unique normalized queries: 155
Number of queries: 186,838
Total query duration: 6.6s
##### Queries by type #####
SELECT: 84367 45.2%
INSERT: 9197 4.9%
UPDATE: 5486 2.9%
DELETE: 2996 1.6%
##### Queries that took up the most time (N) #####
1) 1.8s - 16,972 - PREPARE TRANSACTION ''
2) 1.1s - 16,965 - COMMIT PREPARED ''
3) 0.4s - 2,904 - update avatar set lfa_position=NULL where Id=0
4) 0.2s - 16,031 - COMMIT
Looks like fsync took vast amount of time, but not all the time. 16k commits - 0.2sec, 17k prepare+commit 2.9sec.
Sad story. Looks like XA commit tooks 15 times more time than local commit and doesn't take in account synchronous_commit setting. fsync=off is not safe for production use. So if I want to use XA transactions I have to use it carefully and use a good SSD drive with high IOPS.
is immediately sync'ed is correct, and it's mentioned in the doc:
Excerpt from http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/wal-async-commit.html :
The commands supporting two-phase commit, such as PREPARE TRANSACTION, are also always synchronous.