I've got a really simple wrapper script to start a ruby program that monitors a network connection. The script's on router - hence we're using ash, not bash.
Since we're using monit to monitor the status, I need a PID file. The problem is, the process id set by the wrapper is one less than the ruby program.
Monit therefore spans hundreds of processes. How can I get the wrapper to start the ruby program and create the correct pidfile?
My wrapper looks like this:
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
echo $$ > /var/run/ping.pid
ruby /etc/scripts/ping.rb & > /dev/null 2>&1
kill `cat /var/run/ping.pid`
I think you'll have to do:
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
ruby /etc/scripts/ping.rb & > /dev/null 2>&1
echo $! > /var/run/ping.pid
kill `cat /var/run/ping.pid`
In POSIX shells (like sh
), the $$
contains the current process ID of the shell, while $!
contains the process ID of the most recently spawned asynchronous sub-process. In this case, $!
contains ruby's PID.