When using geoserver (1.7.X) and OpenLayers (WMS layer) togheter I get a weird behavour if a render several layers with antialias and one of the bottom layers is really large compared to the rest of the features in the layers "on top".
The background should have been not black.
If I go straight to the geoserver and disable antialias I get correct but when I try to use the geowebcache I have not found any way to make sure that the format_options=antialias:none is used when Geowebcache asks the geoserver for the tile.
According to some documentation there is a vendor tag in geowebcache but I can't see any effect on then antialiasing.
Anyone who have a succesful go at format_options in the vendor tag in geowebcache?
I didn't come up with an answer but Arne Kep from the geowebcache-users mail list did.
Inserting FORMAT_OPTIONS=antialias:none
right above
/cache/XXX in the geowebcache.xml was the place to modify.