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Play video on the android recorded from the iPhone

I am writing video based social app for iOS and android(WinPhone is under waiting). I recorded video in mov format using AVFoundation framework on the iPhone and uploaded it to the server. It can be downloaded and played on the iPhone client. But on the android device, downloaded video can not be played since it's format is not supported on the android. What is the best solution of the video record and play for supporting multiple mobile devices platforms?


    • Blog post @Why Apple Is Winning the Mobile Video Format War...For Now
      1. Android uses the flash plugin, and apple uses HLS
      2. Today’s wide usage of the HLS protocol is a result of iOS success. Apple designated the protocol as the one and only way to stream video to an iOSDevice. No Flash, no Silverlight, no RTP or RTSP.
    • Q&A post @Best format for Mobile Video states
      1. MPEG-4 will play on all mobile phones (at least those capable)
      2. it also plays while buffers vs .mov which requires the whole movie to download first before playing.
    • StackOverflow post @Video Format that Works on Mobile Phones
      1. I haven't come a cross one single mobile that doesn't support the MPEG-4 container format, including blackberry.
      2. We tested a variety of Android devices and all of the recent models (Android 2.2/2.3) do support MPEG 4/H.264, the same goes for iPhone and AFAIK the Windows Phone.
    • Software Product info @Choosing a movie format
      1. If it needs to play back on mobile devices. Choose MPEG-4 format can be played back on iDevices and Android phones.
      2. Alot more info can be found @Choosing a movie format
    • Acceleration of MPEG-4 applications @FZi Forshcungzentrum INformatik
      1. The whole MPEG-4 encoding/decoding process is partitioned between the standard processor, which is controlling the system and executes control-intensive algorithms, and its XPP coprocessor, which executes the computational-intensive data-flow algorithms and sends the results back to the host processor.

    From this information, I suggest you convert to the MPEG-4 format.

    1. MPEG-4 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    2. - The Streaming Media Technology Resource

    Mac app-store free video converters:

    1. Miro Video Converter (MVC)
    2. Smart Converter
    3. Any Video Converter Lite
    4. WonTube Free Video Converter