In cocos2d-x, how can I display the bounding box for all sprites that are children of this layer?
Here's my starting point:
void MyLayer::draw()
// super draw
// Iterate through all nodes of this layer
for ( CCNode* node = ??? )
// Make sure the node is a CCSprite
if ( node == CCSprite ??? )
CCSprite* sprite = (CCSprite*) node;
ccDrawRect( sprite->boundingBox() ??? );
//put this line at the top of your cpp file
#define CC_VERIFY_TYPE(__OBJECT__,__CLASS_TYPE__) assert(dynamic_cast<__CLASS_TYPE__>(__OBJECT__))
//these lines in your code
CCObject* child;
CCARRAY_FOREACH(m_pChildren, child)
CCSprite* sprite = (CCSprite*) child;
CCSize s = sprite->boundingBox().size;
ccDrawRect(sprite->boundingBox().origin, ccpAdd(sprite->boundingBox().origin, (ccp(s.width,s.height))));