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Print values form an stdObject inside an Array from JSON Response

Im kinda new with php and JSON, and after digging around for a response I was not able to find one, I was hoping if you could help me…

I am working on a Report from with a JSON Response The JSON response looks somewhat like this:

stdClass Object
[FlightInformation] => stdClass Object
   [@size] => 10
     [Itinerary] => Array
         [0] => stdClass Object
            [bookingID] => 123456789
            [creationDate] => 10/04/2012
            [Customer] => stdClass Object
                [email] => [email protected]
               [FlightConfirmation] => stdClass Object
                    [supplierId] => AA
                    [arrivalDate] => 10/04/2012
                    [departureDate] => 10/05/2012
                    [confirmationNumber] => 0987654321
                    [RateInformation] => stdClass Object
                    [@size] => 1
                    [RateDescription] => stdClass Object
                         [@promo] => false
                         [ChargeableInfo] => stdClass Object
                              [@total] => 57.94

I building a Report that is like this..

foreach( $response->FlightInformation->Itinerary as $output) {

    echo $output-> bookingID;
    echo $output-> creationDate;
    echo $output-> arrivalDate;         <<<< won't Print
    echo $output->departureDate;    <<<< won't Print
    echo $output->total;            <<<< won't Print

and some more elements… but anything that is under an object inside de Itinerary Array won't show.. I cannot get to print thes values indicated, please help…



  • That is because arrival, departure and total are objects themselves. You would have to do something like:
