I use the following query to get the list of user defined data types (UDDTs):
SELECT USER_NAME(S.uid) as owner, S.name as Name, T.name as datatypename,
OBJECT_NAME(S.domain), OBJECT_NAME(S.tdefault)
FROM systypes S,systypes T
WHERE S.type=T.type AND T.usertype<100 AND T.usertype NOT IN(18,24,25,80) AND S.usertype>100
On Sybase 12.5, it used to return to return a single row per UDDT. Now with Sybase 15.x, it returns 2 rows:
owner Name datatypename
'dbo' 'auid' 'varchar'
'dbo' 'auid' 'longsysname'
The datatype of the UDDT is actually varchar
. I am not sure where the longsysname
is coming from.
What is the correct way to return the list of UDDTs that works in both 12.5.x and 15.x ASE databases?
Try this code:
select s1.name,
(select name
from systypes s2
where s2.usertype=(
select min( s3.usertype)
from systypes s3
where s3.hierarchy=s1.hierarchy)
) base_type, USER_NAME(s1.uid) as owner
from systypes s1
WHERE s1.usertype>100