I'm creating universal app with MonoTouch. When running on iPad I use UISplitViewController
and build multi level menu in master view (on the left side) with MonoTouch.Dialog.
Problem is, that when I touch first root element it opens new view which covers whole screen instead of being inside master split view.
Question is, how can I make so next root element opens inside same view as it's parent?
All the examples I could find usually has one level menu on the master view so when you touch it displays something on the detail view.
Hope this makes sense.
Let's say you have an UISplitViewController
and your CustomViewController
UISplitViewController split = ...;
CustomViewController controller = ...;
If you want to push the new controller on top of the current (master) one then use:
var root = new RootElement ();
var dvc = new DialogViewController (UITableViewStyle.Plain, root, true);
dvc.ActivateController (controller);
If you want to show the new controller in the details (right) section then use something like:
UISplitViewController split = ...;
var about = new StringElement ("About");
about.Tapped += delegate {
split.ViewControllers = new UIViewController [] {
split.ViewControllers [0],