I am having a problem reading png images from STDIN using PIL. When the image is written by PIL it is all scrambled, but if I write the file using simple file open, write and close the file is saved perfectly.
I have a program that dumps png files to stdout in a sequence, with no compression, and I read that stream using a python script which is suposed to read the data and do some routines on almost every png. The program that dumps the data writes a certain string to delimiter the PNGs files, the string is "{fim:FILE_NAME.png}"
The script is something like:
import sys
import re
from PIL import Image
png = None
for linha in sys.stdin:
if re.search('{fim:', linha):
fname = linha.replace('{fim:','')[:-2]
# writes data directly to file, works fine
#f = open("/tmp/%s" % fname , 'w')
# create a PIL Image from data and writes to disk, fails fine
im = Image.frombuffer("RGB",(640,480),png, "raw", "RGB", 0, 1)
#im = Image.fromstring("RGB",(640,480),png)
im.save("/tmp/%s" % fname)
png = None
if png is None:
png = linha
png+= linha
imagemagick identify from a wrong image:
/tmp/1349194042-24.png PNG 640x480 640x480+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 361KiB 0.010u 0:00.019
imagemagick identify from a working image:
/tmp/1349194586-01.png PNG 640x480 640x480+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 903KiB 0.010u 0:00.010
Does any one have an idea of what is happening? Is it something about little/big endians? I have tried Image.frombuffer
, Image.fromstring
, different modes, but nothing. It seems that there is more information on the buffer that the PIL expects.
If the png
variable contains the binary data from a PNG file, you can't read it using frombuffer
; that's used for reading raw pixel data. Instead, use io.StringIO
and Image.open
, i.e.:
import io
from PIL import Image
img = Image.open(io.StringIO(png))