I am searching for a GTK Object that displays a text (only one line), but I need the text to be bigger than in a Statusbar (and maybe that I can change the font and italic/bold etc).
Normally, I created a GTKStatusbar that displays a text when I click on a button. (I created the program with Glade):
self.statusbar = self.builder.get_object("statusbar")
self.searchbutton = self.builder.get_object("searchbutton")
def on_searchbutton_clicked(self, widget):
self.statusbar.push(1, "Hello world!")
But with this method I can't display the text with a bigger letter size.
Can you please help me with my problem?
Thanks in advance.
A Gtk.Label
has a property called "use-markup"
which lets you use Pango Text Markup in the label. For example:
label = Gtk.Label()
label.set_markup("<big>This is bigger text</big>")
You could either use the GtkLabel
as the statusbar (for a very, very simple statusbar) or you could extend GtkStatusbar
and pack your label into it there.