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The ribbon item 'Foo' is dependent on ribbon control id='Bar' when Hiding Button

I'm trying to hide the 'Add Existing' button for a custom entity subgrid on the Contact form. My steps so far;

  • Add Contact entity to solution
  • Export solution and load up customisations.xml in VS2010
  • Add following to CustomAction node

    <HideCustomAction HideActionId="sample.Mscrm.SubGrid.new_gppractice.AddExistingAssoc.HideAction" Location="Mscrm.SubGrid.new_gppractice.AddExistingAssoc" />
    <HideCustomAction HideActionId="sample.Mscrm.SubGrid.new_gppractice.AddExistingStandard.HideAction" Location="Mscrm.SubGrid.new_gppractice.AddExistingStandard" />
  • Save, reimport

Upon trying to reimport I get the following error:

The ribbon item 'sample.Mscrm.SubGrid.new_gppractice.AddExistingAssoc.HideAction' is dependent on ribbon control id='Mscrm.SubGrid.new_gppractice.AddExistingAssoc'
The ribbon item 'sample.Mscrm.SubGrid.new_gppractice.AddExistingStandard.HideAction' is dependent on ribbon control id='Mscrm.SubGrid.new_gppractice.AddExistingStandard'

Any ideas why I'm getting these errors?


  • Can't say I have an actual explanation for why this has failed.

    However I can suggest trying: Ribbon Workbench, it makes these sort of customizations significantly easier.