My company has developed several projects. With time, we have found that certain functionalities were implemented more than once in more than one project.
Now we're aiming at extracting the common code into reusable components.
However, we need a tool to work as a cataloge for all reusable components, so that whenever a developer needs to search if a functionality was already implemented into a component, he can search this "reusable components" tool and if found, he can read a quick description of what this component does.
My question is: Are there any free tools out there we can use to document our reusable components?
I think you are looking for a wiki.
For example, take a look at DokuWiki. It's free software. It only needs a server with PHP (no database).
Each snippet/component can be on its own page (markup for code with syntax highlighting available). And you can link all pages. So you'll organize a structure that suits your needs by linking pages.
All users can edit (if you want to allow that) the pages. And you can restrict the access to the wiki (so only your employees can read/edit the wiki).
There are many other wiki softwares, of course.