I have an ArrayCollection with following structure (when viewed in debug mode):
- [0]
-- src
- [1]
-- src
src is the path to an image.
I need to get all of the src's out of the arraycollection. However because of the first (unnamed) node I can't take them in.
I've tried ArrayCollection[0].children and save the result in another ArrayCollection, however the new ArrayCollection has 2 Objects in it but no 'src'. There are just 2 null objects
firstArrayCollection is filled with the data as described above.
when viewing the content of secondArrayCollection i see following structure (and data):
[0] null
[1] null
var i:int = 0;
var myNormalArray:Array = new Array();
//loop through collection
for each (var child:* in myArrayCollection)
//do what you want with the child
myNormalArray[i++] = child;
This will get all of the objects out of the collection into a normal array where they can be refered by their index. If you look at an array collection it has no concept of length so the index cannot be a index it has to be a key.
or just do this thinking about it (although i've never done it)
var myArray:Array = myArrayCollection.toArray();
hope this helps
Second Attempt !!!!!!
var pathArray:Array = new Array();
var i:int = 0;
for each (var child:* in myArrayCollection)
for each (var pathObject:Object in child)
pathArray[i++] = pathObject.src;
this should work, i haven't test it though