I've been killing brain cell for over 5 hours with this question. how to properly save a date from vb.net to mysql date without getting the 0000-00-00all the time.
I have tried multiple suggestions where you format the date value before entering but it gets me the same result ex:
Dim departDate As Date
Dim d As String = Format(departDate, "05/05/2007")
in which i tested and didnt works i still got the 0000-00-00
I've tried:
Dim changeFormatDate As Date
Dim AddFechaListadoCasas2 as String
changeFormatDate = AddCasasListadoDatePicker.Text
AddFechaListadoCasas2 = changeFormatDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
which still gives me on mysql the 0000-00-00
I also tried this example:
Dim myDate as DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(x, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
and trying to save to mysql still gave me the 0000-00-00
in my program im grabbing the date from a datepicker as text then swtich it to a string and try to save it to the database like that. if necessary i would love to convert it to a date with the format yyyy-MM-dd which is necessary for MySQL but everything i've done above it still shows me the 0000-00-00 which is frustrating.
any help would be very appreciated it.
here is the MySQL insert statement i have on my program.
AddFechaListadoCasas2 = AddCasasListadoDatePicker.Text
AddFechaCierreCasas2 = AddFechaCierreCasas.Text
SqlVentaCasas = "INSERT INTO VentaCasas (ID, Direccion, Ciudad_Municipio, Zona_Localidad, Barrio, " & _
"Estatus, Precio, Unidad, Departamento, Conjunto, Estrato, Matricula_Inmobiliaria, Cedula_Catastral," & _
"Escritura, Notaria, Ano, Area_Metros_2, Tipo_de_Construccion, Niveles, Habitaciones, Garajes," & _
"Techo, Vista, Picina, Cocina_Integral, Bar, Cuarto_Bano_Servicio, Antejardin, Equipos," & _
"Aire_Acondicionado, Detalles_addicionales, Estilo, Ano_Construccion, Orientacion, Banos, Parqueos," & _
"Piso, Balcon, Jacuzzi_Sauna, Chimenea, Hall_Television, Zona_lavanderia, Patio, Accesorios," & _
"Calefaccion, Administracion, Amenidades, Impuestos, Condiciones, Ocupacion," & _
"Cuota_Administracion, Restricciones, Seguridad, Mostrar, Comision, Fecha_Listado, " & _
"Agente_Cooperante, Fecha_Expiracion, CiudadEscritura, Agente, Licensia, Compania, NumeroPersonal," & _
"NumeroCompania, NumeroFax, Email, AreaLotesM2, PrecioOriginal, Account_Creator, NumeroDias ) VALUES ('" & _
AddIDCasas2 & "','" & _
AddDireccionCasas2 & "','" & AddCiudadCasas2 & "','" & AddZonaCasas2 & "','" & AddBarrioCasas2 & "','" & _
AddEstatusCasas2 & "'," & AddPrecioCasas2 & ",'" & AddUnidadCasas2 & "','" & AddDepartamentoCasas2 & "','" & _
AddConjuntoCasas2 & "'," & AddEstratoCasas2 & ",'" & AddMatriculaCasas2 & "','" & _
AddCedulaCatastralCasas2 & "','" & AddEscrituraCasas2 & "','" & AddNotariaCasas2 & "'," & _
AddAnoCasas2 & "," & AddMetros2Casas2 & ",'" & AddTipoConstruccionCasas2 & "'," & _
AddNivelesCasas2 & "," & AddHabitacionesCasas2 & "," & AddGarajesCasas2 & ",'" & _
AddTechoCasas2 & "','" & AddVistaCasas2 & "','" & AddPicinaCasas2 & "','" & AddCocinaIntegralCasas2 & "','" & _
AddBarCasas2 & "','" & AddCuartoCasas2 & "','" & AddAnteJardinCasas2 & "','" & AddEquiposCasas2 & "','" & _
AddAireAcondicionadoCasas2 & "','" & AddDetallesAddicionalesCasas2 & "','" & AddEstiloCasas2 & "'," & _
AddAnoConstruccionCasas2 & ",'" & AddOrientacionCasas2 & "'," & AddBanoCasas2 & "," & _
AddParqueoCasas2 & ",'" & AddPisoCasas2 & "','" & AddBalconCasas2 & "','" & AddJacuzziCasas2 & "','" & _
AddChimeneaCasas2 & "','" & AddTVCasas2 & "','" & AddZonaLavanderiaCasas2 & "','" & AddPatioCasas2 & "','" & _
AddAccesoriosCasas2 & "','" & AddCalefaccionCasas2 & "','" & AddAdministracionCasas2 & "','" & _
AddAmenidadesCasas2 & "','" & AddImpuestosCasas2 & "','" & AddCondicionesCasas2 & "','" & _
AddOcupacionCasas2 & "','" & AddCuotaAdministracionCasas2 & "','" & AddRestriccionesCasas2 & "','" & _
AddSeguridadCasas2 & "','" & AddMonstrarCasas2 & "','" & AddComisionCasas2 & "','" & _
AddFechaListadoCasas2 & "','" & AddAgenteCooperanteCasas2 & "','" & _
AddFecdhaExpiracionCasas2 & "','" & _
AddCiudadEscrituraCasas2 & "','" & AgenteNameCasas2 & "','" & _
AgenteLicensiaCasas2 & "','" & AgenteCompaniaCasas2 & "','" & _
AgentePersonalCasas2 & "','" & AgenteTelefonoCasas2 & "','" & _
AgenteFaxCasas2 & "','" & AgenteEmailCasas2 & "'," & AddAreaLotesM2Casas2 & "," & AddPrecioOriginalCasas2 & ", '" & AgenteAccountCreatorCasas2 & "', 0 );"
AddFechaListadoCasas2 and AddFecdhaExpiracionCasas2 are Strings that contains the date i want to input on MySQL
Your current query is vulnerable with SQL Injection
. Please make use of ADONet Object
such as Connection
and Command
with parameters. To be more specific, since you are using MySQL
, use MySQL Data provider
. It will automatically cast the data types for you.
Dim query As String = "INSERT INTO tableName (dateColumn) VALUES (@dateParam)"
Using conn As New MySqlConnection("connectionstringHere")
Using comm As New MySqlCommand()
With comm
.Connection = conn
.CommandText = query
.CommandType = Commandtype.Text
' Assuming this is a DatePicker '
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateParam", AddCasasListadoDatePicker.Value)
End With
Catch(ex as MySqlException)
End Try
End Using
End Using