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how to date save to mysql date with no 0000-00-00

I've been killing brain cell for over 5 hours with this question. how to properly save a date from to mysql date without getting the 0000-00-00all the time.

I have tried multiple suggestions where you format the date value before entering but it gets me the same result ex:

Dim departDate As Date
Dim d As String = Format(departDate, "05/05/2007")

in which i tested and didnt works i still got the 0000-00-00

I've tried:

    Dim changeFormatDate As Date
    Dim AddFechaListadoCasas2 as String
    changeFormatDate = AddCasasListadoDatePicker.Text
    AddFechaListadoCasas2 = changeFormatDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")

which still gives me on mysql the 0000-00-00

I also tried this example:

Dim myDate as DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(x, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)

and trying to save to mysql still gave me the 0000-00-00

in my program im grabbing the date from a datepicker as text then swtich it to a string and try to save it to the database like that. if necessary i would love to convert it to a date with the format yyyy-MM-dd which is necessary for MySQL but everything i've done above it still shows me the 0000-00-00 which is frustrating.

any help would be very appreciated it.


here is the MySQL insert statement i have on my program.

AddFechaListadoCasas2 = AddCasasListadoDatePicker.Text
        AddFechaCierreCasas2 = AddFechaCierreCasas.Text

SqlVentaCasas = "INSERT INTO VentaCasas (ID, Direccion, Ciudad_Municipio, Zona_Localidad, Barrio, " & _
                                    "Estatus, Precio, Unidad, Departamento, Conjunto, Estrato, Matricula_Inmobiliaria, Cedula_Catastral," & _
                                    "Escritura, Notaria, Ano, Area_Metros_2, Tipo_de_Construccion, Niveles, Habitaciones, Garajes," & _
                                    "Techo, Vista, Picina, Cocina_Integral, Bar, Cuarto_Bano_Servicio, Antejardin, Equipos," & _
                                    "Aire_Acondicionado, Detalles_addicionales, Estilo, Ano_Construccion, Orientacion, Banos, Parqueos," & _
                                    "Piso, Balcon, Jacuzzi_Sauna, Chimenea, Hall_Television, Zona_lavanderia, Patio, Accesorios," & _
                                    "Calefaccion, Administracion, Amenidades, Impuestos, Condiciones, Ocupacion," & _
                                    "Cuota_Administracion, Restricciones, Seguridad, Mostrar, Comision, Fecha_Listado, " & _
                                    "Agente_Cooperante, Fecha_Expiracion, CiudadEscritura, Agente, Licensia, Compania, NumeroPersonal," & _
                                    "NumeroCompania, NumeroFax, Email, AreaLotesM2, PrecioOriginal, Account_Creator, NumeroDias ) VALUES ('" & _
                                    AddIDCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddDireccionCasas2 & "','" & AddCiudadCasas2 & "','" & AddZonaCasas2 & "','" & AddBarrioCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddEstatusCasas2 & "'," & AddPrecioCasas2 & ",'" & AddUnidadCasas2 & "','" & AddDepartamentoCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddConjuntoCasas2 & "'," & AddEstratoCasas2 & ",'" & AddMatriculaCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddCedulaCatastralCasas2 & "','" & AddEscrituraCasas2 & "','" & AddNotariaCasas2 & "'," & _
                                    AddAnoCasas2 & "," & AddMetros2Casas2 & ",'" & AddTipoConstruccionCasas2 & "'," & _
                                    AddNivelesCasas2 & "," & AddHabitacionesCasas2 & "," & AddGarajesCasas2 & ",'" & _
                                    AddTechoCasas2 & "','" & AddVistaCasas2 & "','" & AddPicinaCasas2 & "','" & AddCocinaIntegralCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddBarCasas2 & "','" & AddCuartoCasas2 & "','" & AddAnteJardinCasas2 & "','" & AddEquiposCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddAireAcondicionadoCasas2 & "','" & AddDetallesAddicionalesCasas2 & "','" & AddEstiloCasas2 & "'," & _
                                    AddAnoConstruccionCasas2 & ",'" & AddOrientacionCasas2 & "'," & AddBanoCasas2 & "," & _
                                    AddParqueoCasas2 & ",'" & AddPisoCasas2 & "','" & AddBalconCasas2 & "','" & AddJacuzziCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddChimeneaCasas2 & "','" & AddTVCasas2 & "','" & AddZonaLavanderiaCasas2 & "','" & AddPatioCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddAccesoriosCasas2 & "','" & AddCalefaccionCasas2 & "','" & AddAdministracionCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddAmenidadesCasas2 & "','" & AddImpuestosCasas2 & "','" & AddCondicionesCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddOcupacionCasas2 & "','" & AddCuotaAdministracionCasas2 & "','" & AddRestriccionesCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddSeguridadCasas2 & "','" & AddMonstrarCasas2 & "','" & AddComisionCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddFechaListadoCasas2 & "','" & AddAgenteCooperanteCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddFecdhaExpiracionCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AddCiudadEscrituraCasas2 & "','" & AgenteNameCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AgenteLicensiaCasas2 & "','" & AgenteCompaniaCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AgentePersonalCasas2 & "','" & AgenteTelefonoCasas2 & "','" & _
                                    AgenteFaxCasas2 & "','" & AgenteEmailCasas2 & "'," & AddAreaLotesM2Casas2 & "," & AddPrecioOriginalCasas2 & ", '" & AgenteAccountCreatorCasas2 & "', 0 );"

AddFechaListadoCasas2 and AddFecdhaExpiracionCasas2 are Strings that contains the date i want to input on MySQL


  • Your current query is vulnerable with SQL Injection. Please make use of ADONet Object such as Connection and Command with parameters. To be more specific, since you are using MySQL, use MySQL Data provider. It will automatically cast the data types for you.

    Dim query As String = "INSERT INTO tableName (dateColumn) VALUES (@dateParam)"
    Using conn As New MySqlConnection("connectionstringHere")
        Using comm As New MySqlCommand()
            With comm
                .Connection = conn
                .CommandText = query
                .CommandType = Commandtype.Text
                ' Assuming this is a DatePicker '
                .Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateParam", AddCasasListadoDatePicker.Value) 
            End With
            Catch(ex as MySqlException)
            End Try
        End Using
    End Using