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FindWindow with partial window title (Windows, C)

Is there any API similar to FindWindow() but that searches the windows by partial title? The reason is that I need to the handle to a window that has a fix part on the title but the other part changes constantly. So for example the window title could be:

DataBase read: XYDB


DataBase read: WZDB

in the examples the fix part is "DataBase read:"

Code appreciated. Thanks


  • An example using EnumWindows:

    BOOL CALLBACK WorkerProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) {
        static TCHAR buffer[50];
        GetWindowText(hwnd, buffer, 50);
        if(_tcsstr(buffer, "window name goes here")) {
            // do something with hwnd here
            return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

    And then call it like this:

    EnumWindows(WorkerProc, NULL);