I have a lot of rules that look like this:
cmd_BC = (dlm > timestamp > dlm > cid > dlm > double_)
_val = lazy_shared<dc::BoardControl>(_1, _2, _3)
I want to make it more readable, like:
cmd_BC = param(timestamp) > param(cid) > param(double_)
or even
cmd_BC = params(timestamp, cid, double_)
As sehe pointed out, it boils down to having some means to automatically expect the delimiters. What are the options here? Myself, I see three possibilities, all flawed:
Write a wrapper function. I tried to no luck the following code:
template <typename T>
auto param(const T & parser) -> decltype(qi::lit(dlm) > parser)
return qi::lit(dlm) > parser;
but it doesn't compile, failing at
// report invalid argument not found (N is out of bounds)
(N < sequence_size::value),
index_is_out_of_bounds, ());
I also tried to return (...).alias()
, but it didn't compile too.
This solution is not very "spirit-y" and unfortunately "requires C++11" (I'm not sure how to get the required result type in c++03) but it seems to work. Inspired by the example here.
PS: Oh I didn't see your edit. You have almost the same example.
Update: Added another test using a semantic action with _1,_2 and _3
Update2: Changed the signature of operator() and operator[] following vines's advice in the comments.
Update 3: Added a variadic operator() that constructs a combined parser, and removed operator[] after finding a better solution with boost::proto. Changed slightly the examples.
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/proto/proto.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace proto = boost::proto;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
using namespace boost::proto;
//This is a proto grammar/transform that creates the prefixed parser. The parser created depends on the parser passed (if it's a kleene or not)
// in _make_xxx "_" corresponds to the supplied parser and "_state" to the delimiter
struct CreatePrefixedParser: //you can use _make_greater instead of _make_shift_right if you want to use "expectation"
or_ <
when < dereference<_>, //If it's a kleene parser...
_make_shift_right ( //create the parser -> dlm >> *(parser -dlm)
_make_dereference (
_make_minus ( _child_c<0> ( _ ),
_state ) ) ) > ,
when < unary_plus<_>, //If it's a +parser
_make_shift_right ( //create the parser -> dlm >> +(parser -dlm)
_make_unary_plus (
_make_minus ( _child_c<0> ( _ ),
_state ) ) ) > ,
otherwise < //if it's any other parser
_make_shift_right ( //create the parser -> dlm >> (parser -dlm)
_make_minus ( _,
_state ) ) >
> {};
//this combines the parsers this way: parser1, parser2, parser3, parser4 -> parser1>>(parser2 >>(parser3 >> parser4)))
//you can use make_expr<tag::greater> if you want to use "expectation"
//I have absolutely no idea when "deep_copy" is required but it seems to work this way
template<typename Delim, typename First, typename ... Rest>
struct myparser
static auto combine ( Delim dlm_, const First& first, const Rest&...rest ) ->
decltype ( make_expr<tag::shift_right> ( CreatePrefixedParser() ( deep_copy ( first ), dlm_ ), myparser<Delim, Rest...>::combine ( dlm_, rest... ) ) )
return make_expr<tag::shift_right> ( CreatePrefixedParser() ( deep_copy ( first ), dlm_ ), myparser<Delim, Rest...>::combine ( dlm_, rest... ) );
template<typename Delim, typename Last>
struct myparser<Delim, Last>
static auto combine ( Delim dlm_, const Last& last ) -> decltype ( CreatePrefixedParser() ( deep_copy ( last ), dlm_ ) )
return CreatePrefixedParser() ( deep_copy ( last ), dlm_ );
template <typename T>
struct prefixer
T dlm_;
prefixer ( T dlm ) : dlm_ ( dlm ) {}
template <typename ... Args>
auto operator() ( const Args&... args ) ->
decltype ( deep_copy ( myparser<T, Args...>::combine ( dlm_, args... ) ) )
return deep_copy ( myparser<T, Args...>::combine ( dlm_, args... ) );
template <typename T>
prefixer<T> make_prefixer ( T dlm )
return prefixer<T> ( dlm );
int main()
std::string test = "lameducklamedog";
std::string::const_iterator f ( test.begin() ), l ( test.end() );
auto param = make_prefixer ( qi::lit ( "lame" ) );
qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator> dog = qi::lit ( "do" ) > qi::char_ ( 'g' );
//qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator> duck = qi::lit ( "duck" ) | qi::int_;
qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator,std::string()> quackdog = (param (*qi::alpha) >> param( dog ));
std::string what;
if ( qi::parse ( f, l, quackdog, what ) && f == l )
std::cout << "the duck and the dog are lame, specially the " << what << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Uhoh\n" << std::string(f,l) << std::endl;
test = "*-*2.34*-*10*-*0.16*-*12.5";
std::string::const_iterator f2 ( test.begin() ), l2 ( test.end() );
auto param2 = make_prefixer ( qi::lit ( "*-*" ) );
double d;
qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator> myrule = ( param2 ( qi::double_, qi::int_, qi::double_ , qi::double_) ) [phx::ref ( d ) = qi::_1 + qi::_2 + qi::_3 + qi::_4];
if ( qi::parse ( f2, l2, myrule ) && f2 == l2 )
std::cout << "the sum of the numbers is " << d << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Uhoh\n";