Has anyone used pywin32 pywintypes.DosDateTimetoTime to convert a DOS packed date/time structure to a readable time format in Python?
I am unable find much documentation on how to use this function, what parameters are required and in what format.
I'm working on a script to extract files from an old DOS backup file, basically trying to replicate the old DOS restore command. I'm working on extracting files based off the format of a backup file found http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/dos/restore/brtecdoc.htm
Thanks, Jay
It takes two parameters (16 bit integers) which are identical to the first two parameters of DosDateTimeToFileTime
You can see that in the source code PyWinTypesmodule.cpp for pywin32:
static PyObject *PyWin_DosDateTimeToTime(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
WORD wFatDate, wFatTime;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "hh", (WORD *)&wFatDate, (WORD *)&wFatTime))
return NULL;
If (!DosDateTimeToFileTime(wFatDate, wFatTime, &fd))
return PyWin_SetAPIError("DosDateTimeToFileTime");
Those have to be of the format described in this MSDN link with the relevant parts copied below for convenience:
wFatDate [in]
The MS-DOS date. The date is a packed value with the following format.
Bits Description
0-4 Day of the month (1–31)
5-8 Month (1 = January, 2 = February, and so on)
9-15 Year offset from 1980 (add 1980 to get actual year)
wFatTime [in]
The MS-DOS time. The time is a packed value with the following format.
Bits Description
0-4 Second divided by 2
5-10 Minute (0–59)
11-15 Hour (0–23 on a 24-hour clock)