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ant exclude directories in dirset

I am running a foreach loop over all directories that are below a root directory.

I want to exclude all directories with the name "src" and "bin".

How can i exclude those directories from the results?

There are multiple subdirectories in the root directory and the subdirectories could also contain subdirectories. I want to go through all directories below the root, except those with the names above.

I have tried the following and none have worked:

            <dirset dir="../Apps/">
                <exclude name="*src*,*bin*"/>

            <dirset dir="../Apps/">
                <exclude name="**/src*,**/bin*"/>

            <dirset dir="../Apps/">
                <exclude name="**/src/**,**/bin/**"/>


  • This seems to work as expected (Ant 1.8.2 and ant-contrib 1.0b3) :

    <target name="test">
        <foreach target="echo-folder-name" param="folder">
                <dirset dir="../Apps/">
                    <exclude name="**/bin/**" />
                    <exclude name="**/src/**" />
    <target name="echo-folder-name">