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C adding node to head of linked list

I have created a linked list struct in c

struct node{
   int value;
   struct node* next;

a method to add a node at the start of the list :

void addFirst(struct node *list, int value){
    struct node *new_node = (struct node*) malloc (sizeof (struct node));
    new_node->value = value;
    new_node->next = list;
    list = new_node;

I create a list (malloc and everything), then call this method, it adds the new node inside the method but when i get back to my main my old list remains unchanged. Using DDD debugger to check everything. How is this possible? I am not able to change the method signature so it has to be done like this.


  • If you really need to do it this way, you have to re-cast the pointer. Something like this:

    struct node *my_list = null;
    addFirst((struct node *)&my_list, 123);
    void addFirst(struct node *list, int value){
        struct node **real_list = (struct node **)list;
        struct node *new_node = (struct node*) malloc (sizeof (struct node));
        new_node->value = value;
        new_node->next = *real_list;
        *real_list = new_node;