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Overriding ListView property in Monodroid

I'm currently programming in Monodroid and I'm having an issue with the extension of a Listview.

I currently have ListView extended like this:

public class TTListView : ListView
    private Context mContext;
    private bool wrapAdapter;

    public TTListView(Context context) :
        this.mContext = context;

    public TTListView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs) :
        base(context, attrs)
        this.mContext = context;

    public TTListView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) :
        base(context, attrs, defStyle)
        this.mContext = context;

    private void Initialize()
        this.CacheColorHint = Color.Transparent;
        //Still some more stuff to be added here

    public void InsertItemAt(int index)
        Animation anim = AnimationUtils.LoadAnimation(
                 mContext, Resource.Animator.slide_top_down);
        anim.Duration = 500;

    public void SetDelegate(TTListDelegate _delegate)
        this.OnItemClickListener = (IOnItemClickListener)_delegate;
        this.OnItemLongClickListener = (IOnItemLongClickListener)_delegate;

    public override void AddFooterView(View v)
        wrapAdapter = true;

    /*public override IListAdapter Adapter
            return base.Adapter;
            //Check if the passed parameter is a TTListAdapter
            TTListAdapter _ttadapter = value as TTListAdapter;
            if (_ttadapter != null)
                _ttadapter.Wrapped = wrapAdapter;
            base.Adapter = value;

The above code works perfectly fine. The problem with this is when I'm trying to override the Adapter property (which is now commented out) I get the following exception when trying to create a TTListView object:

"Unable to activate instance of type TimeTellApp.TTListView from native handle 40557188. No constructor found for TTListView::.ctor(System.IntPtr, Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwner)"

Usually this has something to do with the GC destroying the managed mapped object so up until now I solved these kind of problems by keeping a reference to the object. The problem with the TTListView is that the exception already comes up when calling the constructor for initialization.

I create a TTListView object like this:

TTListView setting_listview = new TTListView(this);

(Where this is a Activity) What could be the problem here and what would be the best way to solve it?


  • The error message says that you're missing a specific constructor in your class, which you should implement:

    protected ListView (IntPtr javaReference, Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership transfer)