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DomPDF > Allowed memory exhausted

Possible Duplicate:
Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted

I'm hitting a very tricky issue.

  1. As per phpInfo, the memory limit set for this script is 256M. However, domPDF gets only 64M

  2. When I run the PDF creation action from the frontend, it works like a charm. When a cron calls a sfTask to do it, I get this:

[28-Sep-2012 10:41:03] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 76 bytes) in /home3/myspace/public_html/prasad/myapp/lib/vendor/dompdf/include/frame_decorator.cls.php on line 30

And for the record, its printing one simple page whose PDF size is < 5K

Can someone help?


  • To make from vstms comment an awnser because Prasad solved his problem:

    No, 64M is not sufficient hence the "Allowed memory"-error. You have to find the php.ini of the CLI and change it there. The alternative is to change the setting via command line - like php -d memory_limit=256M /path/to/your/php-file. A segmentation fault occurs when a program tries to access invalid memory. It's likely a problem with the PHP-interpreter itself. It would be hard to find the reason, even with shell-access.