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RoR voting system. How to count up votes, down votes, and total votes?

I am trying to create a voting system. The models that are being voted on are Issues and I have another model called Vote that holds an issue_id and a vote value of 0 or 1. The votes are being created with forms with hidden fields. This is on the issues index view.


<% @issues.each do |issue| %>
    <div class="issue">
        <h2><%= issue.title %></h2>
        <p><%= issue.body %></p>

        <%= form_for(@vote, :remote => true) do |f| %>
        <%= f.hidden_field "issue_id", :value => %>
        <%= f.hidden_field "vote", :value => 1 %>
        <%= submit_tag "Up", :class => 'up-vote' %>
        <% end %>

        <%= form_for(@vote, :remote => true) do |f| %>
        <%= f.hidden_field "issue_id", :value => %>
        <%= f.hidden_field "vote", :value => 0 %>
       <%= submit_tag "Down", :class => 'down-vote' %>
        <% end %>

<% end %>

There is a has_many and belongs_to relationship between issues and votes. I want to display the number of up votes and down votes next to the buttons for each issue. So I need to pull all the votes with vote = 1 for each issue, as well as all the ones with vote = 0, and count each. Also want to know total votes. How should I do this? I have counter_cache set on the vote models issue association and votes_count column in my issues schema. Should this work be done in the controller or the model?


  • I haven't tried it myself, but you should try adding some methods to your Issue model like this:

    def upvote_count
      votes.count(:conditions => "value = 1")
    def downvote_count
      votes.count(:conditions => "value = 0")

    I learned this in the Rails documentation. You can see for yourself here: