This is most of my code for my now working python blackjack game (or at least blackjack like game) I have now been told that I need to implement a time limit (user gets asked to input something and only has 3 or so seconds to give a response).
def deck():
cards = range(1, 12)
return choice(cards)
def dealer():
total = deck() + deck()
if total <= 15:
totalf = total + deck()
while totalf <= 21:
return totalf
if total > 15:
return total
def player():
card1 = deck()
card2 = deck()
hand = card1 + card2
print "Cards dealt: %d and %d" % (card1, card2)
while hand <= 21:
choice = raw_input("Would you like to hit or stand?: ")
print choice
if choice == "hit":
hand = hand + deck()
print "Current Total: %d" % hand
elif choice == "stand":
return hand
money = 100
highscore = 0
while money > 0:
opp = dealer()
me = player()
if me > opp:
highscore = highscore + 10
money = money + 10
print "Winner, winner, chicken dinner! You have $%d!" % money
print "********************************************"
elif opp > 21:
highscore = highscore + 10
money = money + 10
print "Winner, winner, chicken dinner! You have $%d!" % money
print "********************************************"
elif me > 21:
money = money - 20
print "Bust! Dealer wins with %d. You have $%d reamaining." % (opp, money)
print "********************************************"
elif opp > me:
money = money - 20
print "Dealer wins with %d. You have $%d reamaining." % (opp, money)
print "********************************************"
elif me == 21:
highscore = highscore + 10
money = money + 10
print "Blackjack! You have $%d!" % money
print "********************************************"
print "Thank you for playing! Your highscore was $%d." % highscore
This is the code my professor has provided us with to do this:
import sys, time
from select import select
import platform
if platform.system() == "Windows":
import msvcrt
def input_with_timeout_sane(prompt, timeout, default):
"""Read an input from the user or timeout"""
print prompt,
rlist, _, _ = select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)
if rlist:
s = sys.stdin.readline().replace('\n','')
s = default
print s
return s
def input_with_timeout_windows(prompt, timeout, default):
start_time = time.time()
print prompt,
input = ''
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
chr = msvcrt.getche()
if ord(chr) == 13: # enter_key
elif ord(chr) >= 32: #space_char
input += chr
if len(input) == 0 and (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
if len(input) > 0:
return input
return default
def input_with_timeout(prompt, timeout, default=''):
if platform.system() == "Windows":
return input_with_timeout_windows(prompt, timeout, default)
return input_with_timeout_sane(prompt, timeout, default)
I am completely lost how to merge these two pieces of code. I've tried for the past couple hours to get it to work but for whatever reason its just not working. Any help would be amazing. (I apologize for the wall of code).
You just need to call input_with_timeout
function where you want the user's input.
In your player function:
def player():
card1 = deck()
card2 = deck()
hand = card1 + card2
print "Cards dealt: %d and %d" % (card1, card2)
while hand <= 21:
choice = input_with_timeout("Would you like to hit or stand?: ", 3, "stand")
print choice
if choice == "hit":
hand = hand + deck()
print "Current Total: %d" % hand
elif choice == "stand":
return hand
will prompt for an input, writing the "Would ... or stand" sentence before it. If the user do not answer before the timeout (in this case 3 second) the function will return "stand".
And be sure to include your professor's code in your main file.